Holy shit! Chapter three’s starting! This was only theoretical for far too long, but it’s finally a thing. :3
chapter 3
Well, that takes care of that. There’s still about fifty more saucers they’ve got to worry about, many of which saw the light and the explosion. So yeah. See you in September.
Just an FYI: Those space ships aren’t exploding, they’re being incinerated. The brain fire’s consuming them too fast for them to explode, hence the sound effect. Fun fact: When I drew the previous page, I forgot to document how I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well, finding Lucas didn’t take long, so good for the government, I guess. Also, if you’re in England, happy Bonfire Night. :3 See you next month. (PS. I’ve moved my place of residence three times in the past year. My[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I really hope you saw this coming. When you were reading last month’s page, I hope you thought something along the lines of “Aw man, that government guy is gonna be incinerated. There’s no other possible outcome for this scenario.”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
‘PUTER BORKED Okay, so my computer is either dead or dying, so the comic might be on hiatus in March. I’ll make an announcement in February if I have to do that. Until then, just sit tight and wait for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Oh wow. Who are those tiny people, and what will happen to Cilla? Come back in March to find out. (I swear to god that one day I’m gonna start posting this bimonthly. It’d already be bimonthly if I didn’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…